MP4Joiner is a small and neat application meant to help you join together multiple MP4 video files into single larger files.
It’s a very simple and lightweight application that doesn’t come with any additional options besides the possibility to change the language of the interface. You can’t even set a default output folder: you have to choose an output destination every time you perform a video joining task. Anyway, this is not the only downside of this otherwise interesting small tool.
It’s small and lightweight and, to be honest, it is the only advantage of MP4Joiner. I would have expected the fact that it's open-source to be a benefit as well, but when I noticed that its installation is plagued with semi-concealed offers to install additional software or to change the browser’s settings, I stopped feeling like I’m dealing with an honest, truly open-source and free application. It is open source, don’t get me wrong, you can download its source code from the developer’s home page, but the installer packed with adware-like offers is really not typical of open-source apps.
Last but not least, the performance of this program was also rather disappointed. It seems that it can join together only video files with the same encoding parameters. MP4Joiner will most likely fail to properly join together videos with different bit rates or created with different codecs. Therefore, though it also allows you to select other video file formats besides MP4, chances are it won’t properly join those either.
Long story short, when it comes to reliability, MP4Joiner also left me unconvinced. I recommend it only to those that need to join together MP4 videos of similar settings.
PC MP4 Joiner Converter will allow you to join and convert video files to MP4.